WTFIWWY Live – DoorDash, The Hard Way – 11/23/20

WTFIWWY Live – DoorDash, The Hard Way – 11/23/20

Support the nonsense: This week: Just because you filled out the form doesn’t mean you always get to do the (stupid) thing. Also a robbery goes cold (ha!) and abandoning your car doesn’t mean you aren’t responsible for where you left it … Share...
WTFIWWY Live – R2-KY – 11/17/20

WTFIWWY Live – R2-KY – 11/17/20

Support the nonsense: This week: another priceless piece of Spanish art, another trainwreck of a restoration! Also why you can’t just lay claim to anything you find on the side of the road and why maybe it’s a good idea to wear a button-down to court … Share...
WTFIWWY Live – Saved By the Whale Tail – 11/2/20

WTFIWWY Live – Saved By the Whale Tail – 11/2/20

Support the nonsense: This week: Officer, arrest that man! He didn’t give me the magic I paid for! Also a dine and dash meets gravity, and the entirety of Florida-based US intelligence gets taken for a four million dollar ride … Share...